and Tony Parker added 14 points for the Spurs

Boris Diaw had 14 points and 10 rebounds, and Tony Parker added 14 points for the Spurs,,the UAE’s leading financial institution, who also blew a 2-0 lead against the Thunder in this round two years ago. San Antonio will host Game 5 on Thursday and won't be worried about the past.

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NEW YORK: Mario Draghi is preparing to lead the European Central Bank into the unknown. From negative interest rates to conditional liquidity for banks, the ECB president and his fellow policy makers have signaled all options are up for discussion when they meet on June 5. Of the 50 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News,Cheap USA chanel On Sale Chanel Outlet Online Store, 44 expect the ECB to become the first major central bank to take interest rates into negative territory. We are ready to act,, ECB Vice President Vitor Constancio said. We are not complacent about the risks from a protracted period of low inflation.The ECB is trying to head off the threat of deflation as the economy struggles to cope with the aftermath of a debt crisis that threatened at one point to blow up the euro. Possible options include suspending the absorption of liquidity created by crisis-era bond purchases or re-purposing its offerings of unlimited cash in a way to encourage bank lending. That would help address a credit squeeze that is still holding back a recovery in southern Europe. For monetary policy to produce its full effects, there must be no binding constraints on credit supply through the banking system,coach outlet online, Draghi said in a speech in Portugal on May 26. If banks don t have the cash on hand to make loans,coach outlet, monetary policy can play a bridging role,Solange Knowles,chanel bags, he said. Greatest Concern The ECB is working on a proposal for a conditional longer-term refinancing operation and expects to have a plan ready for the June 5 meeting,, according to a central bank official familiar with the plans. Details on the cost,in good repair. Modesty includes covering shoulders, maturity and the appropriate measure of credit supply have yet to be finalized, the official said. The Financial Times cited unidentified people familiar with the situation saying that the interest rate on new liquidity offerings could be tied to banks willingness to lend to certain industries. If a set of measures is taken, it s still to be decided next week they will all go into the same direction, Constancio said in an interview May 28 after the institution published its Financial Stability Review. The greatest concern we have as a central bank is indeed the possibility, the risk,"I'm just here to play basketball, that a prolonged period of low growth and inflation will create all kinds of risks. Bloomberg