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At about 9:30 p.m., the shooting rampage began. Rodger killed 20-year-old Christopher Ross Michaels-Martinez, a student who was shot and killed inside the IV Deli Mart in Goleta. He also killed 22-year-old Katie Cooper, who was shot and killed by Rodger across the street from the Alpha Phi sorority house. Veronika Weiss, 19, a talented water polo player,coach outlet, was shot and killed alongside Cooper.

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Dr. Angelou was a national treasure whose life and teachings inspired millions around the world,chanel bags,which she refused to obey, including countless students, faculty,gen4959, and staff at Wake Forest, where she served as Reynolds Professor of American Studies since 1982, the university said in a statement.

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Mattiello s mantra is "jobs and the economy," and his priorities include a corporate tax cut. He says he wants to send a message to the business community that the General Assembly is listening.

Elsewhere,"Nearly 40 percent of over 1, the Commerce Department reported that personal spending in the U.S. fell 0.1% last month, compared to expectations for a 0.2% rise, after a 1.0% increase in March, whose figure was revised from a previously estimated 0.9% gain.